I'm new to philosophy.I'm doing a course on "Philosophical problems" this sem which is probably my first brush with really,really serious mind stuff.One of the reasons why I never ventured beyond the realms of normal talk may be my unabashed hatred for pseudo-philosophers.People who think that they sound profound even when they're making statements like "......and in the end good always wins over evil".I've always been shit scared of venturing inadvertently in the path of such trains of thought.Moreover,such people have a habit of ending most of their sermons with a "......so that's my philosophy of life".No wonder I was apprehensive about the dirty word,philosophy i.e.
Thankfully,though,I was convinced to take up this course by a bansuriwala who lives next door to me.(copulation be upon him).And it was then that I discovered how deep the mind can venture.If you come to think of it,there's a lot to be thought about(Of course,like any healthy young man,I normally think of it to come,not the other way round).
For a thinker like me(hahahaa...I kno its frikkin funny,but please resist the temptation to beat the ground while laughing like maniacs,people around u may not think much of it),this was especially a treat.To be actually able to think about stuff like The Cosmological Principle or The Mind body problem or The chinese room argument against materialism rather than just lying for hours thinking about what the f**k did these Aristotle and Plato dudes do that made such a fuss?You're probably thinking I made that last one up,but thats the beauty of it.They actually discuss stuff like this.Just imagine how frikkin cool it would be to shamelessly start propounding your views on the chinks in the chinese room theory or how the Absent qualia and Spectrum inversion thories basically convey the same thing in front of a largely ignorant audience.Just the thought makes me go muhahahahahaha...
On a more serious note though,the course has left me more philosophically flustered than ever.I never had any philosophy of life,as they say,but previously it was because I was blisfully unaware of the term.Now I know what there is to know but still have no idea what to make of it....
Anyway,after having gone through essays by some of the most revered modern philosophers,it is very clear to me that they're equally confused souls.The only person whose philosophy of life and understanding of the human nature is clearer than my piss after drinking a bucket of water is perhaps
Scott Adams.I'll discuss his great philosophical work The Dilbert Principle at length later in this blog,but for now ,I think a quote from the same will suffice,
Recently read God's Debris by Scott Adams...and I wud say, it was a decent read...
and now, I shall read Dilbert...because of that...
Interestingly, the way u were away from philosophy - is very similar to the way i was away from Dilbert - but, shall be no more...
hehe,yea its the reverse situation for u I guess.go ahead,open yur mind
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