Truly, a picture is worth a thousand words.
By the cold and religious we were taken in hand,
Shown how to feel good, and told to feel bad.
- Pink Floyd
Its been some time now since I gave up on religion. I was on the verge on giving up on God too, but then I realized it was only my anger against religion which was behind it. So now I'm an agnostic.
Why?I hear you ask.Well,here I'm elaborating on only one of the reasons and that too for one of the religions.But I firmly believe every religion has enough negative points to thoroughly outweigh anything remotely positive.
Hinduism. More specifically, the caste system. I respect its origins. It started when society was probably divided according to the kind of work people did, which is quite sensible. Though I still don't favour dividing society along any lines whatsoever, but this still made sense. Brahmins were the religious teachers, Vaishyas were the traders, Kshatriyas were the warriors and Shudras were mostly assigned the seemingly menial tasks. It was a hereditary baggage that everyone carried throughout their lives and passed it on in a similar way.
I don't really need to point out what went wrong.The society changed, the system of carrying on the family work changed, but the caste system did not. For all our claims at being a liberal society, the caste system still runs right through the societal fabric. Shudras or as is the language of the times, scheduled castes, are still looked down upon with ridicule, though now the ridicule is mixed with a seething rage due to reserved quotas in education and jobs. In the same way,the scheduled castes still hate the upper castes for all that is wrong with them, even though their own leaders have constantly let them down. Today, Vaishyas may become engineers, Brahmins may become businessmen, Kshatriyas may become doctors, but they can't shake off the false mould in which they are cast. One of the prime reasons for this is politics,or more accurately, politicians.
There are no issues in elections now. You're a hindu,eh? Well,vote for the BJP, what else?the majority community is in danger,only the RSS can protect them. And muslims? Well, well Mulayam Singh is your deifinitive neta. After all, he kept mum even after one of his own ministers literally issued a supari for the head of the Danish cartoonist who drew derogatory images of the prophet, which clearly shows the lengths he's ready to go, or rather the level he is ready to stoop down to, in order to express solidarity with the minority community.
But then again, Mulayam is also the leader of the backwards, just in case they didn't notice. And that doesn't mean that he doesn't care about the upper castes. He's pro-kshatriya,even to the extent of withdrawing all investigations against an alleged murderer. He's pro-brahmin,the proof of which is that he declared Parshuram Jayanti a holiday. I mean this is what brahmins want,don't they?
What the fuck,man! I'm supposed to be a brahmin too. But clearly,I'm not proud of it. I don't mean I'm ashamed of it either. But why the fuck should I even be conscious of it? My family has had nothing to do with panditai for generations. So what makes me a brahmin? But I see proud brahmins, kshatriyas, vaishyas, shudras all around. One particularly funny incident involves a true brahmin batchmate reprimanding me for not being a true brahmin because I don't pay attention to my studies. I know, I know how incredibly hilarious the logic sounds, but try not falling over laughing. I mean, sure, a student is supposed to study well. But I,being a brahmin, should pay extra attention to it. Come to think of it, since brahmin means student anyway, every single student is a brahmin. This is what the caste system was supposed to be. But we've reduced it to marrying a girl/boy of your own caste in order to preserve your caste(whatever the fuck that means) and casting your vote in the favor of the most blatant liar with a criminal record just because he is "one of yours".
It is pathetic. That's an understatement.
Look at the hate we're breeding,
look at the fear we're feeding,
look at the lives we're leading,
the way we've always done before
- Guns N' Roses
very true. religion has always been propogated, shaped and controlled by politics.
thats the only explanation for what religion is today. the clergymen wanted their share of importance in society, and moreover they needed an easy and reliable source of income, so they kept misleading the people in the name of God. With such kind of influence over the majority of population, its only obvious that religion became the most imoprtant political tool.
You echoed my thoughts there.
As long as there would be classes based on religion, caste, region,language etc there are always going to be superiority/inferiority complexes which eventually result in conflicts and hatred.
And the concept of "our" men or people irks me as much.
Glad to know someone out here feels
as strongly about it as I do.
and thats what you said,
and thats what we all think,
i think...
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