Friday, September 23, 2011

Acrostics for Ascetics - III

Hegel the Herrmit
Get this: the idea is absolutely ideal
What's more, reality is also equally real
From this, it's clear that the real must be ideal

How'd I get this idea of awesome threesomes?
Every sum is sublated in the sum of sums
Germinating Germanators wasn't my job
English are matter-maniacs who won't shut their gob
Let's synthesise Locke the loquacious and Spinoza the sob

Kierkegaard the quirky
Kites flying high in the empty blue sky
Isn't that way beyond lambda or pi?
Existence is a choice, and it must be made right
Religion is belief, but then what else is light?
Knowledge has its own place, but just as a tool
Even the most learned sure can be quite a fool
God is the name of believing in your own choice
All these cloaked clumsy clowns can't hear His voice
Anguish or dread? Who cares, you must know that feeling
Regina stole my peace, and I've since been reeling
Does Hegel's spirit know what theories Marx's been stealing?


Captain Haddock said...

These can be used as 'flashcards' by the philo students. :D

Unkool said...

but the point of flashcards is that they should be easier to remember than the original text. these are more like 'selfishcards' for me alone :)

Captain Haddock said...

Breaking news: Part IV to cover Roger Waters (?)